May Issue

Robbie has a boy!

May 2019

Keilor Road Physio continues to be a leader in the field of Health Sciences here in Australia. Clinic director Jenny Hynes (FACP) has co-written the syllabus for the Australian Physiotherapy Associations (APA) Spinal Physiotherapy course. Using her Specialist knowledge of the lumbo-pelvic region, she also presents and educates Physiotherapists around Australia. This month she was featured in the APA magazine, InMotion. The article outlines some of the key challenges in treating the pelvic & hip region.  

If you suffer from pain associated with your spine, pelvis or hips,  our team has provided some useful information and debunked a few myths in our blog on low back pain. Or if you'd like to have your spine assessed and treated, you can book online here or call 93794557 and one of our expert admin staff will gladly find you an appointment. 

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